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I’m trying to create a zap that will notify me when I new file/document is uploaded to Onedrive, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get Zapier to search the subfolders within the designated folder. What am I missing?


To put it in context: I have a folder named “Client Files” and within that folder, there are several other folders for the various types of clients/cases before getting to the actual case/client folder. So for example, I would go into “client files → Family law → John Doe.” I don’t want to have to set up a zap for every single client file, so I would like Zapier to scan all folders and subfolders within the “client Files” folder but that isn’t happening. Any suggestions how to fix this?

Hi @Wilhelmpeplinski 

Check out the description underneath the field for instructions on how to drill down to a subfolder.


NOTE: Zaps would have to be configured per Folder at any level in order to listen for new Files added.

I think the NOTE on your reply answers my Q. I was trying to get Zapier to search all the folders within a folder, but if I am reading your note correctly, that can’t be done. :(