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How do I get the item ID from

  • 16 August 2022
  • 3 replies



Is it possible to change's status using a Slack button? Zap for the button itself is already in place and working, but now I need to set up an action that happens after the button is clicked. The problem is the item ID, as I can't add it from any other step. How it looks now:

Zap 1. When form is submitted, a new item is created on the board (trigger), and then the action is a custom request in Webhooks by Zapier.

Zap 2. Triger catches the webhook and then action should change the status on Monday board. Here I need a correct Iteam ID.

How can I get the item ID? I added the item ID to the code itself but can't exclude text from there. Is it even possible?

Hi @valeriasem!

Does the webhook send any other information about the item? If so you could use the Get Item by Column Value search action to find the item, which will then give you the ID that you can use in later Zap steps. Would that work in your Zap?

Hi @Danvers both those are separate Zaps. I can't connect them together as I need a trigger to catch the webhook when the button is clicked and I think it is not possible to add this as an "Action" step. That is why there is a need for a second Zap where the trigger would be to catch the webhook, and then change the status on Monday board. But I need to add an item ID for it to work. How can I find the item ID in this case?


Hi @valeriasem!

When you set up the webhook in Slack, can you add any information to that hook? Will the button relate to the same item every time? If it’s different each time, in Slack how do you know which item you are updating? I’m trying to work out if there is a way that we can send the information from Slack via the webhook. 

Also, could I please check the end goal to make sure that we’re on the same page.

When a form is submitted (which app? In Slack?) an item is created in Then at a later time you might press the button in Slack and you want that to update the status, is that right? 
