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How do I format phone numbers to convert them into valid WhatsApp numbers for Wati, adding the required '1'?

  • 9 November 2023
  • 1 reply

I wanted to know if there is any formatting option that can let the zap automatically convert a phone number to a valid WhatsApp number for Wati.

What I mean with this is this: most of my new customers have Mexico phone numbers. I want to automatically send a WhatsApp through a Wati template after a purchase. The problem with this is that every new customer tends to fill the phone number blank with the following format: +52 xxx xxx xxxx which is the usual thing to do as no one uses the other format I will describe below:

Wati needs the phone in the following format: +52 1 xxx xxx xxxx

So I need to find a way to add that extra “1” in the phone number to have a valid Wati number and continue the zap. 

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @WhatsApp format 

Good question.

Some options to explore: