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I am attempting to scan a Google shared folder (with many subfolders), find any html files that contain a specific url link (i.e. https://protect-us.mimecast) attached to a word string with the file and remove it?  




Appreciate any help.



@mbernal3 confirming the url is in the file, not the file name?

Hi @mbernal3 

Make sure to check the available GDrive Zap app triggers/actions to help determine the feasibility of your use case:

Yes, in the file. Not the file name.


NOTE: Zaps work when turned ON for new/updated data going forward.

 Try these Zap steps:

  1. Trigger: GDrive - New File
  2. Action: Filter
  3. Action: Formatter > Text > Replace
  4. Action: GDrive - Replace File


Thanks @Troy Tessalone - i need this to trigger for existing files, which wont work for what i am doing. Thanks for your response!


Try configuring a looping Zap using a GDrive Find File step: