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I’m trying to set up automation to create a new meeting in Jira when new event is created in Google Calendar. 
How I can find a user in Jira if we use Google Cal using our personal accounts, and we use Jira with our corporate accounts (not 

Hi @Alena Romanova,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, have you tried adding a “Find User” action in your Zap? Does it return the information you’re looking for?

I'll be keeping an eye out for your response!

Yes, I’ve tried, unfortunately I did not get any relevant information using a “Find User”. 

Hi @Alena Romanova 👋

To use the corporate accounts instead of the personal email accounts you might need to try using a Formatter (Utilities > Lookup Table) action to swap the personal email accounts to the equivalent corporate email accounts that needs to be used in the action that creates the meeting.

That said, I did some checking and I’m not seeing any actions available for the Jira Software Cloud app that would allow you to create a new meeting in Jira. So I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team to submit a feature request for a “Create Meeting” type of action to be added. You can do that here:

In the meantime, there is an API Request (Beta) action available for the Jira Software Cloud app but I had a look at Jira’s API documentation and couldn’t see any endpoint that would allow you to create the meeting. So it seems that it won’t be possible to to build the desired workflow until they enable the ability to create meetings via their API. 

Sorry to not have better news on this. If you have any questions or there’s anything else I can assist with please do let me know! 🙂