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Thanks for taking a look at this!


  • I have a ZAP created that sends a NEW Google Contact when entered, to another application.
    • This ZAP seems to be pulling All contacts in the database form the Google Contacts database and this is an overload of the RECIPIENT application 
      • Can anyone suggest a ZAP condition to send ONLY NEW contacts to the destination application BUT only new contacts that are added to GOOGLE after TODAY in Google Contacts (or a way to specify a trigger date?)

Thanks for your help. 

Hi @RHG 

Try using this Zap trigger: GContacts - New Contact

Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward.


I have this set up to ONLY add new CONTACTS if they are NEW to Google Contacts after June 8th of 2024.  Is this properly set up?  I've included a screenshot below.


Zapier has reached it's limit because it seems to pull all older Contacts - and I dont want to do that! Thanks for your help. 


Have you tried turning the Zap ON and testing live by adding a new contact to GContacts?

Then check your Zap Run history details to see the DATA IN/OUT:

Thanks Troy!


  1. I am on the freemium plan right now for testing purpose so I have limited number of ZAPS
  2. my Zaps this period has reached it's maximum
  3. I did try a test and here is what I received


I many have to wait till my next refresh on my account to see if it's working.  What say you? 

here is what it says


To clarify, Zapier plans have unlimited Zaps, but have Task limits.


The warning indicates you’ve run out of tasks for the billing cycle.


The DATA OUT shows a page was created with the specified ID.


Zaps with 3+ steps require a Zapier paid plan to be turned ON.


Hi @RHG 👋

This appears to be a duplicate of your other topic here:

As that other topic has already been linked to a known bug with the New Contacts trigger I’m going to close this one out so that folks can keep track of the conversation around any issues caused by that bug in a single place.

In the meantime, as I mentioned in the other topic I’d suggest reaching out to our Support team to see if they’re able to do anything about the tasks that were unexpectedly used due to the bug. 🙂