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I have a Google Meet that I have recorded with Fathom and that meeting has several action items. When I create a Zap to export those items to a Google Doc, I only get one item in the records of my Zap, which then only adds one item to the doc. This happens using the Zapier template “Generate Google Docs documents with every new Fathom action item” and creating a Zap from scratch. How do I create a Zap that will extract all of the action items from a Fathom recording?


Hi ​@woubumang 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode with the field mappings visible.

Hi ​@Troy Tessalone! Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure if this covers everything you are asking for. The issue I am running into is that I can only find a record for one of the three action items in the meeting.




Zap trigger being used is: Fathom - New Action Item

That means the Zap trigger data will only have 1 action item.


You would need to try using a different Fathom Zap trigger event to get all of the action items for 1 meeting.

So I would have to know how many action items each meeting was going to generate beforehand? Oof.


There is probably a data point returned from Fathom that indicates the meeting the Action Item is assoicated with.


You can add that unique Fathom Meeting ID to the GDoc Title via this Zap action: GDocs - Find Document (enable the checkbox to create Document if not found)

You can use that Fathom Meeting ID to find the GDoc.

You can then use this Zap action: GDoc - Append Text to Document


NOTE: You may want to add this Zap action: Delay - After Queue


Hi there, ​@woubumang 👋

Were you able to locate the Meeting ID and use it in the Find Document action as Troy suggested?

Let us know if you need any further assistance—we’re happy to help! 🙂