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I am trying to have it so a closed won opportunity is created in Salesforce under the correct account anytime an invoice is created in QuickBooks. I have it so that when the invoice is created it transfers to Salesforce but it doesn’t add it to the right Salesforce account. 

Is there a step I am missing to ensure it adds the opportunity to the correct account. 

Hi @DCI 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

Hi @DCI 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

 Thanks for your response. I have the steps as followed. 

overall process
step 2
Step 3 part 1
step 3 part 2
Step 3 part 3



You need to map the found Salesforce Record ID for the Account in Step 2 to the Account field in Step 3.


Hey folks 👋

@DCI - I noticed you also reached out to the Support team and they were able to identify the cause of the issue. I expect you’ve already fixed this in your Zap now but wanted to share some details on how to solve things for anyone that comes across this topic and is having similar issues:

The Support team identified that there were two accounts with the same name (but with different letters of the account name capitalised, for example Abc1 + abC1) and so the incorrect account was selected in the Zap.

If there are duplicate accounts in Salesforce then the unwanted duplicate account needs to be deleted to ensure that when the Zap runs it’s always able to find the correct account. Then as Troy mentioned, in Account field on the Create opportunity action you’d choose the Custom value option and select the account ID from the Find Record action that searches for the account.

Hope that helps! 🙂