
How do I email clients who have made purchases on my website and ask them to review the products they purchased?

  • 21 October 2022
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 1

I am trying to set up a zap to send an email to clients who have made purchases on the website and ask them to review the products. 

I am using woocommerce and I have a bunch of products as well as getresponse to send emails.  


I would like to make sure I only ask them to rate if they have not rated the actual product before. Is this possible?

How should I proceed? I am using the WooCommerce default review form. 


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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hiya @Aurelia! Thanks for stopping by in community! We’re so excited to have you. 🤗

I think should be doable with a filter and delay step though I’m not seeing an action to send an email for GetResponse. Were you looking to send the review emails though GetResponse or another app?

A rough start may look like:

  1. WooCommerce Trigger - Order
  2. Filter by Zapier - Filter by Status - “Completed”
  3. Delay by Zapier - Specify time frame to wait to send email

From there, the 4th step would likely be sending the email but would be dependent on the app the email is being sent from.

I hope this at least helps get you started and we’ll keep an eye out for your thoughts!

Userlevel 1

Hello @Christina, 


Thank you for your reply and help.

I would like to the email to ask for the product review only after checking whether they have actually already provided a review for the actual product. 

If it’s the case, I will not send the email. 


If this is not possible, I would need at least to exclude people who have a recurring order plan which is generated by a woocomerce plug in. 


Kind regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Aurelia! I see you have a ticket open with Support, ironically I was about to point you in that direction as they will be able to help you explore your options on a more 1:1 level. Feel free to pop back over here if any other questions pop up!