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Hello! My organization is wondering if there was a way to have the end results automatically generate the links depending on the answers to the questions. Or if there was a way to duplicate end results so I don't have to do all of it manually? To explain a little, we are trying to use typeform as a means of helping homeowners navigate what programs they qualify for. And these programs are very specific depending on their situation. Any combination breeds different results entirely, and it's going to be over like 30 different end results manually done by Typeform. I just wanted to know if I'm complicating this or if there is an easier way. We want for there to be some kind of compilation of each individual qualifying program's information being shown according to whether they answer yes or no. Can anyone assist with this work? 

Hi @leapva, welcome to the Community! 🎉

What a great question! Hmm, I was initially thinking that perhaps you could use Paths by Zapier for this but as there’s going to be over 30 possible different outcomes I think you might be better off with a Code by Zapier action. It could be used run code that checks the answers given to determine which program information to share. It’s a bit more advanced but we have a handy Code with AI feature that could help generate the necessary code for you. See our Generate a Code step using AI (Beta) guide to find out more.

Do you think that might work for your needs here?

If so, and you run into any issues in setting that up, please do let me know - happy to assist further!