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Problem: I'm able to download attachments from Outlook, but not PDF files. What variable should I use for the file type, please?

I want to download any attached document, generally PDFs, into my directory. It currently works, but only for TXT files.

A million thanks.


s’il ya des francais merci 🙂 les amis

Hi @helioman 

Use the File variable only.

Also, check the field descriptions for guidance on expected values.

Help link about using files in Zaps:


ok j’essaye merci

ok I'll try thank you


Hi @helioman,
We just wanted to see how everything is going with your Zap. Did Troy's recommendation get the job done? Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance with your Zap. We're glad to address any concerns and assist you.
We're looking forward to your response.