I made a zap that takes a task created in Todoist, checks if it contains a date, and if it does, adds it to a database in notion (which in turn is connected to notion calendar - effectively automating adding things to my calendar for Todoist tasks that I date).
This is all working now; however, I would like to differentiate between Todoist tasks that contain a time and Todoist tasks that come through with no time. If they come through with no time, I want it to create an all day event, which is already an option on the event itself. It problem is, I’m not finding a way to check if there’s a time.
Currently, tasks with no time look like they’re auto-converting to just a zero’d out time; 00:00:00 at the end of the date format. This makes sense. However, I’m not sure how I would check for a zero’d out time specifically using a filter, or if there’s another way to check if a time is present.
I attached a snapshot of a test with no time.