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How do I create a Zap to auto-post Slack messages from Channel A to Channels B & C on behalf of the user?

  • 10 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Message sent by a User in channel A to be sent on the user’s behalf to channel B and C. Thanks for assistance

Hi @Faraz.Khan12 ,


Welcome to the community.


Below is a simple step-by-step guide on auto-posting the Slack messages from Channel A to Channels B & C as the user.


First, select the desired Slack channel; for instance, the Channel A for the purpose of monitoring new messages. Next, Zapier will locate a current message in the specified channel. You can then test your Zap to see if everything is functional.

Next, you must define the feed when the trigger event is initiated or happens. For the action app, as it has been previously described, choose ‘Slack’. Then, choose the option that says ‘Send Channel Message’ as the action event.

Select the specific channel (Channel 😎 from which you want to send the message. In the ‘Message Text’ box, drop down the arrow and choose ‘Text.’ It takes care of the posting of the text from the triggered message. Perform this second step for (Channel C).

Finally, switch on your Zap. Now, as soon as the new message is entered into Channel A, it shall also be entered into Channels B and C.

That should help you get set up your Zap successfully.