I’ve got a Typeform that feeds into a Zap, and I’m filtering based on the contents of two or three fields in the Typeform.
But for one set of responses (let’s call them X,Y,Z) I’ve got two possible Actions that need to happen: The first time I get XYZ I want Action A to happen. The next time I get XYZ I need B to happen. Third time, Action A. Fourth time, Action B.
How can I make this happen? Could I use some kind of incrementer up/down (add 1 or subtract 1, if the current amount is 0 go to A if it’s 1 go to B or if it’s even go to A if it’s odd go to ? Or just a counter?
Alternatively, can I filter based on whether the date/time of either the response or the zap itself is even or odd, such as “ends in even number do A ends in odd number do B”?
I’m open to whatever works here as long as I can mostly rotate between the two ending Actions.
How do I create a Zap that rotates between two actions based on the contents of a Typeform response?
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Good question.
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