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I am not sure if this is possible but I would like to create a Zap that has the Zoom scheduler feature check the availability of the salesforce calendar. 


Right not the zoom scheduler only works off the outlook calendar and it is not picking up in person events. 

Hi @CooperMcmanus, welcome to the Community! 😁

It’s not possible to use Zoom Scheduler on Zapier at the moment. That said, it’s on our wishlist of apps to have added to Zapier so I’ve added your vote for it. I can’t make any promises as to whether it’ll be added any time soon but we’ll be sure to email you once it is. 

In the meantime, you might be able to connect to it using one of the workarounds outlined here: Request to add a new app to Zapier > Workarounds. Alternatively, it looks like Zoom Scheduler has a publicly available API so you might be able to use an API Request (Beta) action (if it allows access to their scheduler API, I suspect not but might be worth a try!) or a Webhooks action (assuming it accepts basic authentication methods) to make a request to Zoom’s Scheduler API to check the availability:

Webhooks are a more advanced action but we have a general guide on how to set them up here: Send webhooks in Zaps. If it requires more advanced authentication methods you may need to look into building a private app integration here: Which isn’t ideal, but we do have a number of trusted app developers and Zapier Experts who could potentially build it for you. 

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you run into any issues on that or have further questions just let us know! 🙂