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Hi there! I’m new. Is there a way to create a ZAP that will create a Trello card whenever I receive an SMS message on my Apple device? 

What app are you using for SMS? (e.g. iMessage)

iPhone integrations are listed as upcoming:

If you use a different SMS app, you may be able to trigger for new inbound SMS.

@Troy Tessalone Thank you, I am using imessage. Is there another workaround that you can think of? 

Not that I can think of, Apple is very restrictive with their native apps.

@Troy Tessalone thank you

Hi @Jensteinker,

Yes you can do this with one of the phone/sms applications from here:

This should allow you to send, receive and process calls and SMS messages. Let me know if you require any assistance on this or have got any questions!
