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I need help with creating a zap that will gather information from many google spreadsheets.


I have 45 spreadsheets that all have the same structure. There are new rows being added to each of spreadshhet. I need to extract data from each new row, send it to mailchimp and after that do an update in column X in that spreadsheet.

Right now i have 45 seaprate zaps that are triggered on new rows. The number of spreadsheets will soon grow to around 300 and i want to have a single zap where i can jsut add new spreadsheets.


Is there an existing solution for that?


Thanks in advance!

Hi @feldmanilya 

Look into using Airtable, which is a relational database app.

Airtable has Views, which are segments of data. (filter, sort, group, show/hide fields, reorder fields)

You can create 1 View per filter criteria.

The idea would be to have a field that indicates the “Group”, aka which GSheet it would have been on to help segment.

Much more dynamic way to manage data and automations.
