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How do I create a recurring payment in Stripe when a customer submits a Typeform entry?



I’m trying to set up a recurring payment for my customers using Typeform/Stripe/Zapier. At the moment, the customers fill out a survey in Typeform, which allows them to select their plan, and any add ons. This brings them to a ‘total’ page at the end which i originally had set up using the built in stripe payment integration, however i found out you can’t set it up as a recurring payment.


My question is, is there:


1 - A way that the customer can input all their payment information into the integrated Stripe payments app, and when they hit continue, I can take them to an external Stripe checkout payment page, which will carry over their selections (and prices) from the Typeform survey?


2 - I get rid of the Stripe payments page, and make all their selections ‘total’ on the final text based page, and then carry over that information to an external Stripe checkout page, which automatically fills in that information. 


If there are any other suggestions for how I could set this up as well, please let me know.



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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello @tstoolbox

Ah yes, it looks like the Create Payment Link (Stripe) action doesn’t have any options to set the payment to be recurring. I’m not seeing any feature requests for the ability to create payment links for recurring payments with the Stripe app, so I’d recommend contacting our Support team who’ll be able to submit a feature request for that on your behalf.

In the meantime, looking at the API documentation for stripe (see Create a payment link) it looks like the payment_links endpoint has the ability to specify subscription_data. So it would seem like you could use the payment_links endpoint to create a recurring payment link.

In order to do that I’d suggest trying Stripe’s API Request (Beta) action:
In theory it should be possible to use that action to make a request to Stripe’s payment_links endpoint to create the link for the recurring payment. It’s a more advanced feature so it’s not going to be ideal for everyone. But if it’s something you’d be interested in trying I’d recommend checking out our Create an API request in your Zaps (Beta) guide to read up on how to use it.

Hope that helps. If you’re able to get that working please do let us know!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi again @tstoolbox!

I was just chatting about this with one of my colleagues here and they mentioned that JotForm has the ability to both create surveys and set up recurring payments. See: Jotform - How to Set Up a Recurring Payment Option

So thought I’d suggest that here in case it’s worth switching to use JotForm for making the surveys instead. 

Looking forward to hearing how you get on here! 🙂