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I am very new to Zapier and would like to generate a note in One Note from a file note I have created in Evernote. I have been using Evernote for years and don’t want to stop using it. However at work we file all our documents in Teams, so it would be useful to create a note in Evernote and it be zapped across to the correct One Note folder in Teams, (instead of copy and paste). I have managed to create a Zap that send the note from Evernote to my personal One Note in Sharepoint, but I am struggling to know what to do next to make sure it ends up in the correct Teams folder. We have many Teams as we deal with many different clients and I realise that I will need to create a Zap for each client. However if I can make it work once then I should be able to repeat it for different clients.  Can anybody help please?  Ian 

Hi @IanB,


Welcome to the Community. 

To create a Zap that sends a note from Evernote to a specific OneNote folder in Teams, create a new Zap and select Evernote as the trigger app with “New Note” as the trigger event. Connect your Evernote account to Zapier, choose the notebook to monitor, and test the trigger. Select OneNote with “Create Note” as the action event for the action app. Connect your OneNote account, select the appropriate notebook and section, and map the Evernote data to the OneNote fields. Test the action, and if successful, turn on the Zap. Note that this integration doesn’t support shared notebooks in OneNote, so you may need to move notes to shared folders in Teams manually.

Thanks JammerS. I believe I had worked out how to create a Zap from Evernote into my own OneNote. It is the next step that I want to automate which is placing it in the correct Teams folder.  I think your last sentence says it cannot be done.  Is that right? Therefore it may be best just to copy and paste from Evernote into Teams, which is a shame.  IanB

Hi @IanB,


You can request that the feature be added to OneNote so that you may use the shared notebook options in the future. I do apologize for the inconvenience.