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How do I create a new estimate in QBO from multiple Excel line items?

  • 21 July 2022
  • 1 reply


Is it possible to setup a zap to create a new Estimate in QBO from multiple Excel line items ?

I export the data ro excel from MS Access app via vba codeand just keep overwriting the worksheet so I am not quite sure how I would trigger this in Zapier ? 

Also some items will be missing in QBO so I need to check if they are there, if not then create the item(s)

Customers will always be in QBO and will be matching on excel so a simple  find and use later in steps works for this

Again this would be an Estimate with multiple line items per...


Does anyone know if this is possible ?


Thanks in advance!


In theory, this is probably doable. But a couple of things make this trickier:

  1. You need to look for items and create them if they don’t exist. The QuickBooks integration has a Find Product(s) action and a Create Product/Service but it’s not a combine action like the Find or Create Customer action is.
  2. The Create Estimate action supports line items but we need to find a way to make your rows into line items...after performing #1 above.
  3. Some limitations with our Zap editor, in terms of where you’re able to place certain types of actions in a Zap.

I think there’s a way to do it, but it’s pretty advanced. How comfortable are you with building Zaps?


  • how many times will this happen per day?
  • is there something in each row that would identify the customer it’s for/which estimate it should be a part of?

Once I have that info I can see how we should proceed :)