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Can i make a message in discord with reactions?

Hey @butilka ! Would you be able to provide some more context with what you are trying to do? What your trigger/action would be regarding this? Thanks!

The bot is posting a message in a discord channel. I want the bot to add automatically reactions to the messagte it posted



Hi @butilka - this is a current feature request that is in the works, but not available on the Zapier integration today unfortunately. I did some googling and found some Discord bots built for this purpose, however! I’ve linked a few for you to check out if you’re interested: 

Let us know if there is any more guidance we can provide- thanks!


Hey folks 👋

Just popping by here with a quick update to share that the feature request to add an “Add Reaction to Message” action is not going to be pursued by the team at this time. Sorry for the bad news on that, if anything changes on the status of this feature request we’ll let you know right away! 

Please do reach out in Community if you have any questions or if there’s anything else we can help with in the meantime. 🙂