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I am a Zapier user and am looking to connect my website (MyRealPages) to my CRM (Follow Up Boss). Have done a basic and successful connection between the two entities but am struggling to get what I need from the ZAP.


The reason I am looking for this Zapier connection is that I want to sort my inbound form submissions (there are 5 different forms) as leads and use different action plans based on the source of the form data. For example, I am using as a test my Home Evaluation form - and want to add a tag to this (HomeEval) that I can recognise in Follow Up Boss and send custom messages to the client?


Make sense?




Hi @New Fub 

To help us have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode, plus elaborate about the issue you are having with setting up the Zap steps.