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I have a situation where coordinating with 3 parties a time for scheduling a demo on a Microsoft Booking calendar is problematic when coordinating a time over async communication via email when each party belongs to separate organizations, and am seeking an automation solution.

My company is a reseller of another companies software, and they have a demo calendar hosted by Microsoft bookings. I need to book appointments for prospects without giving the prospect the software companies calendar as this is meant for the reseller not the prospect to fill out.

Is there a way that I could host my own Microsoft bookings or Calendly scheduling that takes into account my Google Calendar, that allows the prospect to choose a time on my calendar that pulls in the available slots on the Microsoft booking calendar, so the prospect is able to see the times that myself and the software company are available for a demo? When the prospect books a time on my Calendly or Microsoft bookings, it would then book a time on the software companys Microsoft booking.

I tried coordination simply by emailing a prospect and by the time we figured out a time that worked for us two, the time was booked on the software company’s calendar.

Any tips would be most appreciated! I may be able to request access to a view or edit calendar from the software company

Hi and welcome to the Community, @automationstation 👋 

Hmm, that’s a tricky one! 🤔 I’m not sure it’s possible via a Zap as the Microsoft bookings app isn’t on Zapier at the moment. It’s on our wishlist of apps to have added to Zapier though so I’ve added your vote for it. We can’t make any promises around whether it’ll be added any time soon but we’ll be sure to email you once it is! 

In the meantime, perhaps you could have a third “joint” calendar that a Zap copies events from the demo calendar and your Google calendar into? Then you could set up Calendly to show them the availability from that “joint” calendar?

Alternatively, it looks like it’s possible to sync a Microsoft Office 365 calendar natively in Calendly so perhaps you could connect the the Microsoft bookings calendar and your Google Calendar both to the Calendly account to allow the person to see the availability across both calendars.

Do you think either of those approaches could work?