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How do I collect or pass login information to Stripe when creating a new user?

  • 12 August 2022
  • 4 replies

So I’m using Stripe to take payment information for a TalentLMS monthly subscription course as well as one time sales.


I’m trying to use Zapier between Stripe and TalentLMS. It looks like I have create new user, add user to the course, etc.


However, at the point of adding a new user from Stripe, it’s asking for the user’s login and password information. How and where do I collect or pass that information along to Zapier?



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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @JT_ABCs!

If I’m not mistaken, this is a username and password that you would be setting when you’re creating the user.

One suggestion might be to use the email address, or the first part of their email address (before the @ symbol) as the username. You can use a Formatter — Text — Split Text step, if you’re not able to or don’t want to use the whole email address.

And for the password you could see if there’s something from the trigger that’s a long string of characters.

Maybe this field: 

You’ll have to see how that then gets communicated to the user. If nothing can happen automatically from TalentLMS then you’d need to add a step that sends them an email with their login info (and ideally a suggestion to change their password).

Hope that helps!

Userlevel 1

Well this is what it’s showing on the TalentLMS side. It’s requiring Login and Password information.


But where in Stripe would I have created and asked for that?

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @JT_ABCs,

You wouldn’t have created it yet, since you’re just now creating a user in TalentLMS for the first time. It doesn’t actually have to be related to Stripe at all.

Because you do have data from which to pull (the person’s email address, for example) you can use that as the username (or part of it). The password can be anything, though for security’s sake I was suggesting you use a field you can map to it that always provide a long string of characters.

Does that help to clarify what I was saying earlier?

Userlevel 1

Yeah, that’s basically what I did, thanks.