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collect last 7 days email   and send email in 8th days in zapier flow

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Hi there,

To only collect emails from the last 7 days and delay sending the email until the 8th day, you can use the "Filter" and "Delay" apps in your Zap. Here's how:

  • Add a new "Action" step in your Zap and select the "Filter" app.
  • Set the filter to only allow emails that were received within the last 7 days.
  • Add another "Action" step in your Zap and select the "Delay" app.
  • Set the delay to 1 day (24 hours) to ensure that the email is sent on the 8th day after the emails were collected.
  • This will make sure that only the most recent emails are collected and the email is sent a day later. 

You would definitely reach out to the Zapier support team. They have a wealth of knowledge and resources available to help developers like me build custom integrations using their platform. Here are some of their developer resources that I might find helpful.
Best regards,


Thanks for provide me the flow structure, can you tell me what condition i use to only allow emails that were received within the last 7 days.

And which event i can chose for 1 day delay?

Hi there, @Arnab! 👋

Just came across this thread and wanted to offer my help on this in case you’re still stuck here. It sounds like you’re wanting to compile a list of all the emails received during a 7 day period and send it out on the 8th day - am I understanding that correctly? 

If so, I’d have thought that it would be easier to use Digest by Zapier to compile a list of the emails. It can be set up to release the digest on a weekly basis which would allow the list of emails received during the past 7 days to be emailed on the 8th day. You can learn more about how to use digests here: Compile data in a digest in Zaps

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If I’ve misunderstood what you’re after or you run into any trouble on that do let us know!