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I want to send out an email to a large number of different email addresses when a new zapier event is triggered.

When a new document is created in a specific google docs folder, I want that document automatically sent out to 10 people. I keep a list of those 10 people and their email addresses in a google sheet file. I’m trying to make a zap for this, and I’m able to get it all worked out up to choosing the correct column in my google sheet file. BUT, it’s asking me for a specific ‘Lookup Value’ and I don’t know how to address this. I’ve looked in to using a wildcard symbol, but this doesn’t work. Help?

Hi @Htownsooner87 

Good question.

In the GSheet add a “LOOKUP” column that has a value of NO/YES for each row.

Then you can use that column as the lookup column with a lookup value of YES.

Let me clarify a little bit. I have a company that has a fillable quote request on our website. When that is completed, I have it set up to create a new word document in google docs. I’m trying to get it set up where as soon as that document is created, it is immediately emailed out to the team of people working on that type of project. 

I think I could manually have each of their email address entered in to Zapier and get it accomplished, but I’d prefer it to be synced up with a separate file that our HR people can update more easily and not have access to the Zapier system.

My google sheet is set up for three columns - Email, First Name, Last Name. The zap is letting me enter the correct ‘Lookup Column’ (Email), but it has a mandatory dropdown titled ‘Lookup Value’ that I don’t know what to put in. This is where I could enter my team’s email addresses individually, but I would much prefer it to be pulled from a separate file if it’s possible.


You are using the concept of a Lookup Table.


In the GSheet, add another column called “TYPE”.

For each row, add the PROJECT type in that column.

Then you can use that column as the lookup column with a lookup value of desired project type.

In short there needs to be a common value in a column to use as the lookup column value.

In the example below, TYPE is the lookup column, and X or Y would be a lookup value.

  • Look up X and get 3 rows returned.
  • Look up Y and get 2 rows returned.
  • Look up Z and get 1 row returned.
TYPE Email Name - First Name - Last



I might have misunderstood what you need but I feel trying the Get Many Spreadsheet Rows to return the columns you want as line items will solve the issue.

I have found it’s sometimes easier to work with the line items and a drop of code. 

From your explanation it doesn’t seem to be a need to match the project type as there is no column in the google sheet for it. I’m assuming it’ll be based on the sheet name or non-existent.

Just grab the all three columns and manipulate the rows.  If necessary use some code to discard/match based on the project type pulling out only what you need from the line items.

You may be limited in the number of rows it can grab but it doesn’t look like it would be too difficult to grab the all the email addresses and email in this way.  

You may even get away with just looping through the returned line items.


I noticed my error in my last reply but was intrigued by your question.
If you are sending to the whole list you can use the Get Many Spreadsheet Rows (Advanced, output, as Line Items) in Google Sheets. 

I created a Google sheet with multiple rows of mock data as below:


Set up the Get many rows block 


To loop through the returned line items use a Looping by Zapier 
In the below example image I selected only the email addresses in column D. You can use the whole dataset

Then add your Gmail block and select the email address from the loop and set up your email to send.

The only thing to remember is the loop will only run once in testing. 

Do let me know if this is what you wanted.