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Are you able to send the msgs received in Linkin or at least contact information from those you’re chatting with in msgs automatically to your gohighlevel crm in some way?  

Hi @jenniferk 

Check out the available LinkedIn Zap app triggers/actions:


Hi @jenniferk,
We just wanted to see how everything is going with your Zap. Did Troy's recommendation get the job done? Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance with your Zap. We're glad to address any concerns and assist you.
We're looking forward to your response.

It honestly looks like there aren’t any triggers for Linkedin, just actions? So I can’t set up a Linkedin msg as a trigger to set up an action such as creating a contact in GHL? Is that right?

Hi there @jenniferk,

Unfortunately, the current LinkedIn integration does not support triggering on messages. However, we do have an existing feature request for this exact functionality. I have added you to the open feature request. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track interest in this feature being implemented
  • Allows us to notify you via email if this feature becomes available in the future

While I don't have an ETA on when this feature might be implemented, we will notify you via email if it is!

In the meantime, you can stay in the loop/follow along with updates on the main thread here: 

Hopefully, this helps.


For anyone that comes across this and wants to be added please reach out on the main topic for this issue here and we’ll get you added to the bug report.