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Hello. This is my first time using zapier + glide. I need a scenario that will do the following:

  1. In one of the glide tables I have a table called «sessions» and there is a column with date & time. I need zapier to take data from there once a day and check whether today’s date is there.
  2. If there is, then it should take the row id of this «session», go to another table called «participants» and look for the IDs of all participants who were recorded in this session and filter them by the status «confirmed».
  3. Then I need to then I need to send a newsletter to all filtered participants

My steps:

Step 1: Every Day in Schedule by Zapier

Step 2: Get all rows from glide

Step 3: Looping by Zapier – Here I choose «date&time» and «row id» as values to loop

Step 4: Date / Time in Formatter by Zapier – settings: 1

Step 5: Only continue if… – settings&output: 1

Here zapier didn’t find today’s session and also I realized that next step I must create «get all rows» to proceed with the second table «participants» and filter data, but I can’t use looper twice.

Please help :pray:

Hi @Misha_K,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Do you still need help with your Zap setup? If so, could you please re-upload the screenshots you’ve sent? I can’t open them on my end.
