My overall goal: I receive excel documents in my outlook email randomly for multiple reports but from one email. They are all titled the same every time they get sent. My overall goal is to have those excel reports automatically get pushed to a google sheet that keeps updating based off of the new data.
Where I am stuck: The way I am mention is just the way I have started this -if there is a better way then please share. I have managed to create one zap that takes one of my excel report inside my outlook email and have that appear in its own folder inside my google drive and then delete the old one and replace it with the new excel document. I am stuck on the next step, getting the data on the google sheet, that is within my drive, to a central and static google sheet that I use to do what I need it for. My main issue is when I go link my static google sheet columns to the columns in the google sheet in the drive. I do not see any options for my columns as zapier is only looking at the file fields on the google drive side versus the data fields within the actual file. For example, on my static google sheet, I have a column called "Order #" but that is not showing up on the file in google drive because those option are showing fields that are in the image I attached below.
How you can help: I am open to change how I have the first part set up. My end goal is to get all incoming excel documents from my outlook email into a google sheet and that keeps historical data, updates/replaces existing data if something got updated such as price or tracking numbers, and adds new rows if there is no record of the new data.