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I am trying to fill in a Google Sheet form, using two sets of data (1) answers inserted after succesfully entering a Typeform questionnaire and (2) concept texts I created, not inserted in a program yet. The first one wasn't so hard to figure out, the second one on the other hand is taking me some time and I havent been able to find a solution yet.

My question is: how can I insert the second (2) text data in the Google Sheet, especially as the text I will be inserting depends on the answers that are given in Typeform. It's an if this then that situation of a sort, but I haven't found an answer yet. How can I automatically fill the Google Sheet with the second data source? I can easily put my concept texts in any program, preferably a free one, so no restrictions there.


If {{answer A/B/C in Typeform}} then {{concept text A/B/C}}.

Hi @EVD 

Good question.

Perhaps you can outline a specific example with screenshots to help give us better context.