How do I automatically connect Zapier Tables (knowledge base) with Chatbots for real-time updates?

  • 29 April 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi, Zapier Experts, 


If I update a Zapier Table that is being used as knowledge base for a Zapier Chatbot, the chatbot wil not get the new information if you do not press the button to sync them. 


That is not a sellable service if a chatbot user has to get into Zapier configuration in order to the chatbot to be able to answer with the new data.


Please It is uirgent to add the auto-sync function for Zqapier Tables and Zapier Chatbots, or at least a Zap Action in order to snyc them.


Thanks in advance.


Pablo P.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello there @PabloP! 👋 

Totally agree with you on this, I’d love Zapier Tables knowledge bases to be automatically synced! I can see that you’ve already contacted the support team to put in a feature request for this which is perfect! They’ll be able to get that feature request opened on your behalf so we can start tracking folks interest in this.

I can’t make any promises around when you can expect that to be implemented by but we’ll be sure to notify you by email once it is.

If there’s anything else I can help with in the meantime just let me know. 🙂
