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My company has been hosting webinars through Zoom. We’re trying to remove as many barriers to access as possible and make the process as seamless as we can. When a user signs up for a webinar, they receive only an email with the webinar info (which includes their unique link to join) that they would then have to reference later when it’s time to join the event. 

The goal is to put all of the webinar info into a calendar event to automatically put it on their calendar, with their unique link in the invitation. I am having trouble finding a solution to be able to do this. 

I’ve tried creating a new event with the email address that gets pulled from the registration of a user, but it doesn’t seem to like that email address. If I create an event on my own calendar, there is no generic link to join the webinar, so I wouldn’t be able to include it here and invite new attendees. 

Any thoughts or insight would be greatly appreciated!

Hi @Ryan S,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

The “New Webinar Registrant” returns the join URL of the meeting, and you can use the “Create Detailed Event” in Google Calendar to create an event and invite them to that created event. You’d need to map the registrant’s email address in the “Attendee” field of the “Create Detailed Event” step.

Hopefully, this helps.

Did you have any luck with this @Ryan S? I’m trying this out but not having success yet.

Did you have any luck with this @Ryan S? I’m trying this out but not having success yet.

It worked enough for my purposes, I put the link to the zoom webinar in the “Location” section of the calendar event, and because it pulls it from Zoom, each user gets their own unique link as needed. 

@Ty Miller Turns out after further testing today, it only works in some cases, and I haven’t figured out why. 


@ken.a Do you know why this might work in some cases and not others? I have tried on outlook calendars that have a connected google account and on outlook calendars that are not connected to a google account and have had success and failures on each. I’m not sure what might be stopping the calendar invite from being sent to the user. The zap runs without issue so I can’t tell what’s happening in between. 

Hi @Ryan S,

Could you please send a screenshot of the DATA IN/OUT of the Zap run in the Zap History of the runs that worked and the ones that didn’t? I would like to cross reference them and check if I’ll notice something that’s off.


Hey @ken.a,

The DATA IN is the same for all of them, I’ve attached the DATA OUT as well. #1 works, #2 does not. 


Thanks for the screenshots @Ryan S,

Would you mind sharing the DATA IN/OUT of the Google Calendar’s Zap run as well?


Top section of DATA IN for each is the same. I appreciate any insight you can offer.

