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How do I automatically add a customer's VAT number to a Fattura24 invoice when a new Shopify order is placed?

  • 27 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi guys, I’m trying to connect Shopify to Fattura24 to automatic create a client invoice in Fattura24 (Action) at every order made in Shopify (trigger). I’m not able to find the Customer VAT number in the scroll-down menu of the Action, and in this way the invoice will not have the VAT number that is crucial.

Hi @Maisonzagara 

Good question.

Zap action: Fattura24 - Create Document

There are many fields that reference and are related to VAT.


We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap step is configured and a specific example of the issue you are encountering in order to be able to have enough context.