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How do I automate HubSpot ticket links directly on Slack?

  • 8 December 2023
  • 15 replies

I successfully integrated my hubspot and slack - if a ticket is created on hubspot, let my team’s slack channel receive a message.

I tested the automation and it’s working fine. However, i noticed that the notification or message being delivered to my slack channel does not come with a direct link to the hubspot ticket. It just shows the ticket ID. Does it mean that i and my team members will have to manually log in to our hubspot account each time there is a notification that a new ticket just dropped on hubspot? is there a way to get zapier to automate direct links? 


The attached image shows the exact message that gets delivered to the channel.


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15 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @andreamary006 

Good question.

We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

Help link about how to format links in Slack.

Userlevel 1




Userlevel 1


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Did you review the help article about how to format links in Slack?

Help link about how to format links in Slack.

Userlevel 1

yes, I did that but still the link still doesn’t automate. I mean that even though I’ve followed through with the instructions in the content you asked me to check out, automation still doesn’t happen. I need a link to the new ticket to always drop in the slack channel whenever there’s a new ticket. 


i am not sure if this is clear enough. but i will be looking forward to your help. 

Userlevel 1

and also, it looks like you don’t understand me. i need to format/automate the link on zapier during the integration. everything i want to do has to with the integration and not specifically with slack.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


From the help link, how to format links for Slack in the Slack Zap step.


Userlevel 1

Kindly point me to the part of the step to put this instruction. I am completely a new user, so all help will be appreciated. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You would configure it in step 2 for Slack.


Userlevel 1

Thanks a lot. i have done that now and it successfully hyperlink. however, i found that the link is still not automated. the ticket ID automatically updates whenever a new ticket is added on hubspot but the link to the ticket ID does not do the same. 

Does it mean that i as a team lead will have to manually edit the zap each time there is a new ticket on hubspot? is there a way to get zapier to automatcally update the link? 


Thank you.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


We would need to see updated screenshots with how your Zap step is configured along with an example of a ticket link you are trying to use for HubSpot.

Userlevel 1


An example of the hubspot ticket link is:

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You need to replace this value (2150655748) in the URL with the dynamic variable for the Ticket ID, same as you did for the Ticket ID: [ID]


Userlevel 1

Thanks a lot, Troy. you have been very helpful. it finally worked.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

That’s great news @andreamary006! Big thanks to Troy for lending a hand here.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗