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I am a dogminder and use Google calendar and Google sheet to manage my bookings.

I offer three primary services:

  1. Sleepover which is booked via a JotForm submission and feeds directly to a Google calendar entry (No zapier)
  2. Dog walking and 3. day care which owner book via a WhatsApp message which I then add to a Google spreadsheet.

what I would like to see happening to reduce my booking errors:

> When a Google calendar entry is created then an entry is added in the Google sheet.

Attached is a screenshot of my ssheet.


So let’s say - Rae wants to book for Doggy Day Care on 15 November then the owner  will message me and I will create an entry in Google Calendar and then the next available slot in 15 Nov (dog3) column will fill with ‘Rae DDC’

hope that makes sense! 

thanks for your help in advance! 


Hi @resi65 

Good question.

You’ll have to add custom logic to determine if which of the columns are free, and then update accordingly.

That may require the use of a custom Code step.