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Hi All,


Im new in integration. Is there a way to add a Contact Property on Hubspot, so it can be automated in sending out email? Please see screenshot: 

I need to auto-populate Project Type. 


To Project Type from Hubspot: 


Thanks in advance!! 

Hi @juliebadiong 

For us to have more context, post screenshots showing how your Zap trigger step is configured so we can see which event you are using.

You may have to select “Additional properties to retrieve”.

Hi @juliebadiong 

For us to have more context, post screenshots showing how your Zap trigger step is configured so we can see which event you are using.

You may have to select “Additional properties to retrieve”.

Hi @Troy

Thank you for your response. Here it is: 

Can I add one more trigger on the same Zap?




Each Zap can only have 1 trigger.

How is your Zap trigger step, “Trigger” tab section configured?



Hi @Troy Tessalone , 

You are correct! I was able to add it on the additional property to retrieve. Here is what I did : 

My question would be should I use Record ID on the Action Tab? How Can I be sure that the email will be sent to the correct  contact. 


Thank you so much for your support. 



Btw to answer you question. Here is my trigger @Troy Tessalone 




The Contact ID field expects the ID of the HubSpot Contact, which may be different than the Record ID variable you have mapped.


Hi @Troy Tessalone 

My Zap trigger is every time a lifecycle stages. I've already added the Project  type. How do I make sure that the email will still be sent to the contacts that has an updated lifecycle stage. 


Thank you. 


For your Zap trigger, it should return a variable: ID

That is the HubSpot Contact ID to map to step 2 instead of “Record ID”.


When in doubt, test it out.

Hi @Troy Tessalone 


Sorry. Can you tell me what’s should I use in Step 2 :(




Variable: ID


Thank you @Troy Tessalone I will test! Thank you so much!! 

Hi @juliebadiong ,
We just wanted to see how everything is going with your Zap. Did Troy's recommendation get the job done? Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance with your Zap. We're glad to address any concerns and assist you.
We're looking forward to your response.

Thank you @JammerS for context. The integration should be whenever the lifecycle stage of a contact changes to No Show emails will be sent with 2 days delay unless contact changed it lifecycle again :  


Here it is: 




Thanks for following up here @juliebadiong

The integration should be whenever the lifecycle stage of a contact changes to No Show emails will be sent with 2 days delay unless contact changed it lifecycle again :  

The filter looks like it’s been correctly set up to check that the lifecycle stage matches the stage with an ID of “595997430” - which I presume is the “No Show” stage? But in order to ensure that the email is only sent if the contact’s lifecycle remains unchanged after 2 days, you’d want to add a Find Contact (HubSpot) action after the Delay For action to get the contact’s current lifecycle stage from HubSpot. Then, you’d add another filter in between the Find Contact action and the Send Email action that checks that the current lifecycle stage still matches “595997430”.

Can you give that a try and let us know if you run into any issues on that - happy to assist further! 🙂

@SamB its all good! Thank you! 

YAY! I’m so pleased it’s working @juliebadiong! 😁🎉

If anything changes on that front please do let us know. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️



It works but when I checked even if the cycle changes. The email chain continue. :( 



Is it because of this?:



Hi there @juliebadiong,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Could you please send a screenshot of your Zap History? Also, is the Zap triggering multiple times?

This well help us determine the issue.


Hi @ken.a 


Here are the screenshots:



Here is the only trigger: 





Hi @Troy Tessalone @JammerS 


This used to work. However I noticed that some contacts I have changed the lifecycle still receive my email chains. Is this because of the error that I ran out of tasks? 


If you want to stop emails after a delay, then you need to add steps to check the Contact again in HubSpot to get fresh data then add another filter step.


Hi @Troy Tessalone  Thank you so much for the help!! I think my Zap is perfect now. :D 

 One last Q. Using Email by Zapier, there’s a limit of sending per hour. Given that my automation is Published. Will it still follow my Zap, with limited emails per hour? But Still emails will be sent? Am I correct? 


Thank you so much again!!

Hi @juliebadiong 

Help links for Email by Zapier:

If you are worried about hitting sending limits, then I recommend using a different email app such as Gmail or Outlook.



Hi @Troy Tessalone its actually okay to have limit in an hour. Just as long as the rest will be sent the following hour. Is that the case?