How do I automate email replies in Outlook for Brevo form submissions?
I use Brevo to send form submissions to my Outlook web email account, and I want to automate email replies in Outlook. How can I use Zapier to search for an email address in the form submission and automatically send a reply to that email address?
Each email I receive from Brevo has a subject line like "Fwd: Contact Form," and that same email address also appears once in the body of the message.
I guess I am not sure what to put in the Input Value of the “Text in Formatter” Action. How do I specify to Extract an Email Address from a Subject Line? The email address changes with each email. Thanks again.
Hi there @HaikuWolf,
I’m jumping in to see if I can help!
Before we dig deeper into this, is the email address present in the Subject? If so, I’d recommend mapping the “Subject” data from the trigger to the “Input” field of your Formatter step.
The Formatter step will dynamically extract the email data even though the email address changes with each email (different email address will be extracted each time the Zap runs.).
Here’s an example of the “Subject” data from the trigger:
This is exactly what I am trying to accomplish. Yes, the email address is in the subject line. What tool do i use to map the “Subject” data from the trigger? I am not seeing how to change the Trigger itself to where it might map the “Subject”. What value do i put in the “Input” field of the Formatter step?
Sorry I am very new to this but greatly appreciate your experience. Thanks for all your help.
You would map the Subject variable from Step 1 to Step 3.
You can search for “@” to narrow down the list of dynamic variables to select.
Thank you!
Does mapping mean I should use “@subject” as an input value in the Formatter? Sorry I am not understanding the terminology. If I am “mapping” from the Subject variable from Steps 1 to 3… i do not see where to put an @subject in the Outlook Trigger or the Filter by Zapier tool. Thank you again, David