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Real estate broker and receive leads from several sources. They are sent to me via email.

In the past, I would forward the email to my assistant who would then enter the lead into realgeeks(real estate lead platform) .  I was looking to automate this.

I tried using “email by zapier” but when I forward the email, it’s a mess of HTML.  I tried sending as plain text from gmail, that comes over better, but the main part of email that has name, phone #, address, notes, etc. all come through and are tagged as just one large field in zapier.  

Am I just not doing this right?

Also, I figure there is a way to connect straight into gmail, the issue I have is, I don’t know if the lead is going to be assigned to me or to my wife until after I get it.  

I’ve attached a copy of one example of a lead I receive.

Hi @chbartel 

Resources for email parsing:


Hi @chbartel👋

How are you getting on with this? Were you able to get this solved using the Email Parsing guide Troy shared?

Want to make sure you’re all set so please do let us know whether you’re still stuck at all - always happy to assist further! 

I think for now I am throwing in the towel to attempt this.  Even though I have a computer science degree from 25 years ago, it’s been 20+ years since I did any programming.  Looking through what I need to do here just isn’t worth the effort, I am going to keep doing old school for now….
