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I want to see if there's a way I can have a new affiliate added or updated on Google sheets from a software I'm using called dispute fox. But the only issue I have is that it requires me to update something on dispute fox first in order to trigger something on Google sheets. I want it where an affiliate enrolls someone when the email the notification gets sent out it updates or adds on Google sheets. 

Hi @Dieuveilleille15 

Please clarify which DisputeFox Zap trigger you are trying to use:

Hi @Troy Tessalone thank you for your response. I want to trigger the affiliate update  


You may need separate Zaps for each DisputeFox trigger.


  • Action: GSheets - Lookup Row
    • Check the checkbox to create if not found
      • Thus resulting in a find row else create row
  • Action: Filter
    • Found = False
  • Action: GSheets - Update Row
    • Map the Row/ID from the first GSheets step

