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I’m setting up a Zap between Salesforce and Notion. When a Salesforce Opportunity is created, it is going to create a new Database item in Notion. One of the Database properties is the “Person” type. In this column (or property) I want to tag whoever is the Opportunity Owner that triggered this automation. I’m not seeing a way to connect this field either directly or through a Zapier Table (ie look up the first name and then use the user’s Notion ID to populate their name in this field). 


Any ideas on how to d this? 

Hi @cfalcone01 

For us to have more info, post screenshots with how the Notion Zap step is configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field type and field description and any dropdown field options as examples.


Notion help links:


I can't see all fields in my Zap

Not all Notion property types are supported in Zapier.
The following property types are not supported:
  • Files and media
  • Formulas
  • Relations
  • Rollups
  • Status
These property types will not appear in your triggers or actions.
