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How do I attach a document to a new task in ClickUp?

  • 19 March 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi, I have a zap that flows as follows:

trigger: Document is completed in panda doc

step 1: find deal in pipedrive

step 2: update deal in pipedrive (to update the status of the deal to “won”)

step 3: create task in click up


During step three, I was hoping to be able to attach the document from Pandadoc to the new task in click up. 

I have tried adding a “files” field in my click up template but that is not coming up as an available field to then attach the document to in zapier. 


I am happy to use either pandadoc or pipedrive as the document source, but the location the document is attached to must be the new task that is created in this zap. 


This post has been closed for comments. Please create a new post if you need help or have a question about this topic.

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @kathsass94,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I did some digging into this, and it seems like it’s not possible to upload a file in ClickUp when using the “Create Task” action. However, we have an existing feature request for this exact functionality.

I have added you to the feature request. That does a few things:

  • Bring this to the attention of the integration developers
  • Help track interest in this feature being implemented
  • Allows us to notify you via email if this feature becomes available in the future

While I don't have an ETA on when this feature might be implemented, we will notify you via email if it is!

Hopefully, this helps!

I am running into the exact same issue. Except I’m using Gravity Forms.

I have a 3 fields that are attachment custom fields types on my form, and they are the only 3 fields that don’t appear in list of custom fields.


While we wait for Zapier to add this feature, the workaround would be for the action to be ‘’Post attachment in Clickup’’, you select the form you just created in a previous step, and you attach the file.

In this case the file is attached to the default ‘’attachment’’ field as opposed to your ‘’attachment’’ custom fields.

It’s not ideal but it gets the file onto clickup. It seems like Zapier has the ability to pull files but just doesn’t do it yet for custom fields.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sorry we missed your post here @lho!

I’d recommend reaching out to the support team to submit a feature request to add support for those custom attachment fields you’re missing. You can do that here: 

In the meantime, I’m happy to report that the feature request was closed as a Post Attachment action was added to the ClickUp app which allow files to be attached to a task! 😁🎉 To take advantage of this new action you’ll need to ensure you’re running the latest version of the ClickUp app in your Zaps - check out our Update to the latest app version in Zaps guide to learn more.

We hope you’re able to test out that new action soon! And if you run into any issues please let us know in the Community or reach out to our Support team directly. Until then, happy Zapping! ⚡