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I'm trying to create a simplified sales receipt in Quickbooks that will only reflect totals of products from the same product family.


Sales transaction:

Product 1 : Product Family A : $10USD

Product 2 : Product Family B : $5USD

Product 3 : Product Family B : $5USD

Product 4 : Product Family C : $5USD

Sales receipt should be:

Product Family A : $10USD

Product Family B : $10USD

Product Family C : $5USD


I have gone as far as creating the step "Create Multiple Spreadsheet Rows in Google Sheets" that pulls in the details from the Salesforce opportunity products along with their respective headers, and another tab in the same sheet that has the "sumif" formulas based on the product family. I'm stuck on the next steps.

  • How do I capture the sum on the sheets? What action do I need to do next?
  • Also, will subsequent triggers add up on the google sheet? I'm thinking that it may cause the sum value to be bloated as it captures all old and new values alike for every run.


Hi @SpiderFig00 

Good question.

This can be handled in a Zap by using 1 Code step:

You can try asking ChatGPT for help with the code.