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Using SimPro, I am trying to add a series of “private notes” when a new site is created. I have the trigger of “New Site in Simpro”, which works correctly kicks off the zap, however I can’t find a way to add fields to this new site via Zapier. 

If I create a new Site from Zapier I can add data to the “Private Notes” field, but it seems I can’t do this from a Site created in Simpro. Also I can successfully search for a site, but again don’t seem to be able to update the fields once found. 

Am I missing something, or is this just not achievable? Grateful for any input.


Hi @ap123 

You’ll have to explore using the Simpro API:




Hi @ap123,

I did some digging into this, and it seems like there isn’t a way to fetch or create private notes via Zapier at the moment. I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team to create a feature request on your behalf.

You can reach our Support Team here:

In the meantime, you can use Simpro API as a workaround. However, this approach is advanced and our support for this is limited. Not because we don't want to help, but because APIs can be so different and each request can be so unique. This makes it hard for us to know why the request may be receiving errors or not working as expected.

You can consult with one of our Zapier Experts to help you setup this workaround. You can reach our Zapier Experts here:

Hopefully, this helps.