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Hi! I work at a cabinet shop, we are integrated with Trello for tracking our rework but want to start using it to track our unscheduled work (rework and small projects). We want to start using it to track our scheduled work as well (large to medium projects). 

Here’s how we want to accomplish this: 

When an event is scheduled on our Ready To Ship (RTS) calendar a Trello card will be created. When an event containing the name of the first event is scheduled on our Release Date calendar, find a Trello card with the matching name, add an item to a checklist named “Checklist”, name the item the name of the event added to the Release Date calendar (there are usually 5-7 releases per project). Currently I can get it to work but it only adds the first release. 


Project name: Johnson, Bob

The RTS is scheduled like so “Johnson, Bob - RTS” ➡️ Trello card is created and titled “Johnson, Bob”.

A Release is scheduled on the Release Date calendar like so “Johnson, Bob ST RD” OR “Johnson, Bob FN RD” ➡️ Find the Trello card named “Johnson, Bob”, find the checklist named “Checklist”, create a checklist item named “Johnson, Bob ST RD” OR “Johnson, Bob FN RD” and set the it due for the date is was scheduled. 


Screen shot of the current Zap. 



Not much help yet Jay, just questions.

Does the trigger event bring in one or many releases?

Show us the data that you are using in the loop.  Does the data in the loop contain many releases?

Why do we need to read the Google Event inside of the loop?  Is there data that the find event has that is not sent in the trigger event?

It is easy to select the wrong field from the loop data.  Look for the fields that have a field name and show one iteration of the data.  Like this Address: 123 Dirt Rd.


Best regards,


Zap Support




Thank you for the reply!

Great question. The Trigger event does not bring in any releases. This only creates the Trello card and marks when the card is due. 

Below is the Loop data.

I need to read the Google Event inside of the loop because I am needing to look at the Release Date calendar here. The trigger event is looking at the RTS calendar. Does that answer your question?

I understand the complexity and am happy to answer any questions.






So this test has one iteration on the loop, “JAYCE”.  

What event is on step 4 formatter?  Were we expecting the output to be a comma separated string of events to drive the loop?

How does your zap history look?  Do you see separate zap history entries for the selected path, and individual entries for the loop iterations?


Best regards,

Zap Support



This is where I get the name of the event and remove all of the extra text so it just says the name of the project (in this case Jayce). I do this so the name of the Trello card can be simplified and not include any extra text. Was this the right way to do this? Is there a better way?


I am not sure what your question “Were we expecting the output to be a comma separated string of events to drive the loop?” means. Sorry, I am still green. 


Below is the Zap history. I so not see any individual entries. 





Ok, so is the loop needed?  Is there always one project name (like Jayce) as input to the loop?

Where do the other releases come in?  Does one release get processed each time the zap triggers?

It is not clear if the expectation is to process one or multiple releases when the zap triggers.


Best regards,

Zap Support


Great questions. 

  1. Yes there is always 1 project name. 
  2. We break a project up into a batches. We track the projects progress by tracking how many of the batches have been completed. A release date is a batch. So one project might have 5 or 6 different “releases”. 

Does that answer your question?


It sounds like the “project” and the “releases” should be the inputs to the loop.  

The releases could increment the loop, and the project could be a static variable.

The loop input needs comma separated data like “release1”, “release2”, “release3” in order to increment the loop.

Best regards,

Zap Support


Can you show me what that looks like? I am new to loops. 


Here is an example.  I hope this helps!

Best regards,

Zap Support



Step 1 - I have a Google Sheets trigger on a new or updated row.  The trigger column is “Trigger”


Step 2 is the formatter utility - Line itemizer (Create/Append/Prepend) - Note the comma separated release data.  

The output of the formatter step - Line Items

Step 3 is the loop, and the event is Create Loop From Line Items

I grabbed the output from the formatter step to cycle the loop.

Step 4 - I used the Google Sheet create spreadsheet row for the last step.  Note how the releases is updated to the single iteration of the loop “RelA1”.

Here is the updated spreadsheet:


Thank you! This is a good start. I have a few more questions:

  1. At what point should I have the Trello card made?
  2. How do I get the calendar events into the google sheet like that?

@GetUWired Thank you so much for your help so far on this. Just following up on my previous 2 questions. Can you get me moving in the right direction?