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When creating my gmail zap, it shows that I can have an attachment, yet the only things I see are name, email, phone etc from the lead form.  How do I add a pdf to be included in the email?

Thank you!

@Jeanette where is the PDF stored? If it’s at a publically available URL (aka not behind a login) you can just put the URL for the PDF in the field for the attachment. If it’s on Google Drive or Dropbox or similar you have two options:

  1. Inside Drive/Dropbox/OneDrive/etc. set the PDF file’s sharing preferences to open, anyone with the link can view, and then copy the link and use it inside your Zap in the Gmail step in the attachments field OR:
  2. Add a step before the Gmail step that is Dropbox/Google Drive/etc. and “find the file” from there, the results should give you a file that you can select inside your Gmail step. 

Option 2 will require a paid Zapier account as you will need a multi-step zap, whereas the first option can be done within the free version of Zapier.