
How do I add a delay on a consequent posting in Telegram?

  • 24 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1

I have a word press blog.

I have made a zap that once a new article is posted, a post in Telegram (and other social like Tweetter as well) is created.

The issue is that sometime in WP several articles are published at once, for instance at  9.00 Am 4 new article are published

In this case, Zap create simultaneously 4 post in Telegram with link to the articles.

I would like to create an effect similar to what you can achieve using buffer, that the post are delayed one to the other by i.e. 1 hour

Basically what I should get, is the possibility that Zapier will run the following cycle after one hour.

How to achieve that with Zapier?


Many thanks in advance,



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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Bobonez 

Good question.

Try using a Delay After Queue step in the Zap: