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How do i write a zap that does the following in When a value of a column changes in one board, Find that same item in another board and update a column?


For example. In my sales pipeline when we change the hourly rate, we want it to update the hourly rate in our accounts board. 


NOTE* We do not want to use the ‘mirror’ columns available in 

Hi @Eric.Darling,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Here is how I see the Zap for the workflow that you have in mind:

  1. Trigger: - Specific Column Value Changed in Board - Main Board
  2. Action: - Get Item by Column Value - Map the board ID of the other board
  3. Action: - Change Multiple Columns Value - Map the board ID of the other board

Would this help you out? Please let me know if you need more information or details regarding the suggested workflow.

Hey Ken, thank you so much. Would you mind reviewing my 1.5min Loom video? I tried what you said and its still not working….


Troubleshooting Opportunities Board 🛠️️ - Watch Video


@ken.a please see response above

Hi @Eric.Darling 

The Item ID field expects the Monday Item ID which is a number value as indicated by the 123 icon.


Hey @Troy Tessalone so would that final step (step 3) be pulling from the 1st board? (opportunities board)? I’m not sure I understand your answer. 


Question Step 3, are you trying to update the Monday Item from Step 1 or from Step 2.

Map the desired Monday Item ID (number) from the correct step to Step 3.