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I want to use the Topdesk trigger on Status change of a Call.

How/who can add this to the Trigger options?

Hi @Unexus 

Good question.

Most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves, so it’d be up to TOPdesk to add this trigger event to their Zap app integration.


You can submit a request via a ticket to Zapier Support to be logged:

Hey there @Unexus! Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community! 🎉

Troy’s correct - opening a ticket for a new feature request will be your best bet here. It doesn’t guarantee this will be implemented but it will allow the app developers (in this case a TOPdesk team) to gauge interest.

Since this app is in beta and they do manage this app it might also be worth reaching out to them directly too. 🙂

You can reach them here:

Thanks again and happy zapping! ⚡️