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I’m automating a process that involves a Table in Excel(.xlsx)


Once i’ve copeid that into Drive and converted to .gsheet i just can’t retrieve any row because the worksheet name is different every time


How i just can tell the zap to use the first worksheet without the name??


Please help.






Hi @greenhub 

Good question.

You may have to use the GSheets API:

If there are multiple worksheets, then you’ll have to add logic to isolate the first worksheet ID.


Hi @greenhub 

Good question.

You may have to use the GSheets API:

If there are multiple worksheets, then you’ll have to add logic to isolate the first worksheet ID.


Thanks for your response Troy!

Ok, but if tehre’s only one Worksheet in the SpreadSheet, I need to use the API or there’s another way?


If the Worksheet title and Worksheet ID are different each time, then yes you will need to use the GSheets API.