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How can I stop a perpetual automation loop between PipeDrive and Airtable?

  • 3 July 2024
  • 1 reply

I’m setting up a series of automations in Zapier to help keep our client contacts and Accounts (client organization) information synced with parity between or CRM PipeDrive and Airtable where we manage more detailed project data.


I’ve already created a system where when a new contact is created in Pipedrive, it’s duplicated in Airtable, and I pass unique IDs between the two to establish a connection for later if that contact is updated down the road to recognize the appropriate contact. I’ve done the same for Accounts / Organizations if set up new from either the Pipedrive or Airtable side.


I’ve moved on setting up secondary automations in Zapier that when a contact / organization is updated on either the PipeDrive or Airtable side, that updates will be copied over to the other platform.


However, in order to listen for the last updated trigger, it’s based on the PipeDrive last updated field and the Airtable Last modified fields.


How can I prevent a perpetual loop of “updates” between the two triggering? For example, if I update contact in Pipedrive, it sends that copy to Airtable, and because those fields were updated in Airtable, now the contact Last Modified field will update in Airtable therefore triggering another trigger to send that information back to try and update the Pipedrive contact…. triggering Pipedrives last updated field to trigger….. setting off Airtable last modified to update……. and repeating this loop of infinitely sending the same data back and forth.


What can I implement as a check point on both ends to signal to each tool that data was updated, but it won’t infinitely loop?

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1 reply

False alarm, I’ve dug deeper on this topic and found a support article referencing custom logic to avoid a Zap Loop.

Posting link here for others in a similar situation: